Social Security Disability


Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Over more than 40 years, BURTON LAW FIRM has helped hundreds of deserving Social Security Disability applicants obtain the benefits they’ve paid in over years of work when denied by the Social Security Administration. If you’re at any of these stages in your application for disability:

  • Initial Application
  • Request for Reconsideration, or
  • Request for Hearing

We’re ready to help with your disability case, whether your disabling condition is a physical illness or the result of an injury, or a combination of illnesses and injuries. Mental disorders, including post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and depression, for example, may qualify as disabling conditions.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Even if you have never worked or paid into a Social Security account, whether, by employer withholding or self-employment payments, you may still be eligible to qualify for Supplemental Security Income. This may be a benefit available to persons who, due to defects related to birth or early life illnesses, have never been able to work.

In either case, the BURTON LAW FIRM is experienced in developing the claimant’s medical history and presenting it at the Hearing stage of the Social Security process.